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Beer League

Adult recreational sport. Played for the passion of the game by men and women over 19 years old. The post game ritual of sitting around a cooler full of beer bullshitting about skill level or lack thereof is as important as the game itself. Sportsmanship, camaraderie and competion are the key elements.

Epitomized by the 1.2 million Canadian adults proud to be playing hockey in the beer leagues.

John - You play hockey?
Kelly - Yah, in the beer leagues

by Gambrinus September 28, 2005

142👍 33👎


Screwed. An uncomfortable situation. In a bad situation that seems to have no way out. Comes from one of two meanings:

1) To have figuratively taken it up the ass (the hoop).

2) railway terminology where new (additional) work orders were passed along to a train crew. The orders were printed on paper, tied with string, and held up high on the end of a pole. The string had a loop for the trainman to lean out of the window of a moving train and aim his arm through the loop (hoop) to get the orders.

"How you gonna explain that to your wife?"
"I dunno man, I'm hooped."

Yardmaster: "Theres more work for you down the line."
Conductor:"Damn, Why can't we tie up and go home?"
Yardmaster: "I got the orders from above. I'll hoop them up to you."
Trainman to Conductor after grabbing order successfully: "We're hooped"

by Gambrinus September 28, 2005

98👍 28👎