Source Code

Academic Chicken

A game in which the student wastes as much time as possible before the final deadline, often leaving mere minutes for a large assignment.

Eric: Isn't the analysis essay due tomorrow?

Casey: yea, I've been working on it for weeks.

Eric: yea, I need to start that.

Casey; playing academic chicken?

Eric:yea. when I get home, I'll play a few rounds of Warhammer first, to get me ready.

by GandalftehWhite April 28, 2009

11👍 1👎

facebook baby

the product or a facebook rumor concerning two people messaging often, leading to suspicion that they are dating.

John: Did you hear about Eric and Lizzie on Facebook?

Sarah: No, what happened?

John: They've been on each others walls so much, it seems like they're having a facebook baby

by GandalftehWhite March 8, 2009

20👍 20👎


to be pwned so badly that you don't notice it until later.

What Casey said about Eric's mom didn't seem hurtful at first, but, when he got home, Eric realized that he had been postpwned.

by GandalftehWhite February 15, 2009

3👍 4👎