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rachael ray

A very annoying pseudo-celebrity chef who looks like The Joker from the old Batman movies. She constantly giggles, uses unessecary abbrevations, creates horrible unhealthy recipes, and wears unflattering apparel that accentuates her massive ass, and not so massive boobs. Her voice is also very raspy and hoarse, and she exhibits many symptoms that would point towards cocaine use.

One of Rachael Ray's actually recipes:

Sirloin Stew with Watercress Dumplings:
Calories: 1019 (51%)
Calories From Fat: 424 (42%)
Total Fat: 46g (72%)
Saturated Fat: 12g (62%)
Cholesterol: 168mg (56%)
Sodium: 2261mg (94%)
Carbohydrates: 68g (23%)
Dietary Fiber: 3.95g (16%)
Protein: 67.97g (136%)

by General Chi October 6, 2006

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