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Poopy palace

A more elegant way to refer to the sacred place one would relieve their fancy fudge. Another term for the king sized stall where the most of dominant of alphas would lay their brown gold.

No Jason your wife told me that I mutilate her insides way better than your soft sack could ever do making me have the ultimate claim to the poopy palace.

by Giggister January 30, 2020

One Eye Willy Sex Cowboy

A person who is an absolute Waco Kid sex cockslinger in bed who has the ability to hit the penetration center of the naughty hole with complete precision.

Yeah I have lines of thirsty mammas at my front door. Probably because they are here to visit the local One Eye Willy Sex Cowboy who's going to make them feel the wildest of the West!

by Giggister March 1, 2019


The modern universal term that is used to refer to the private parts of the two genders of male and female. Or can be used to refer to the private parts of someone who's transgender.

-I was eating at my liberal friend's house yesterday and my friend stole the chicken nuggies off my plate. I wanted to call him a dick really badly but to avoid offending his parents I called him a Dickgina!

-When I went to the men's bathroom there was a transgender girl using the urinal. God it must have been really hard for it to aim with it's Dickgina!

by Giggister March 1, 2019

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Penetration center

-A room (usually a shower or a locker room) filled with naked gay guys with their blazing lances up each other's poop chutes. Or the bullseye of a lady's naughty hole.

- Everyday I was locked away this big Shaq looking guy would always eye me down and I knew that he was going to take me to pound town in the penetration center at shower time.

-Yeah the lady's call me the One Eye Willy sex cowboy probably because everytime I bed with them I always hit them in their penetration center the first try.

by Giggister March 1, 2019