Source Code

simple plan

A punk-rock/emo band. I don't know why they haven't been labeled emo, but they definately are more so than, say, Death Cab for Cutie.

They're music's not that bad, but can be pretty annoying if you listen too closely to the lyrics.

"I'm sorry, I can't be perfect."


by Gil April 24, 2005

102πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

free agent

One being single (guy or girl)

Yo check to see if dat gurl dur is a free agent.

by Gil June 27, 2004

102πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Face

Insult: to state that someone looks like a real fucker; i.e., as in a chode or asshole.

Man, what a fuck face that guy is!

by Gil April 11, 2003

204πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž

The Streets

A pretty crappy band from the UK consisting of a British man talking in front of a melody. It's only redeeming quality is the fact that he has a British accent.

I have to scold my friend every time he plays The Streets.

by Gil April 9, 2005

31πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


The plural form of breasts, meaning multiple sets of breasts.

Dayum, Lookit all a' dose breastesses, bro!

by Gil December 10, 2003

102πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


"Toronto Transit Commission"

Toronto's WORST form of Transportation

TTC should really stand for "Take The Car"

by Gil September 8, 2004

405πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž


big hot wet pussy

kim and cassandra

by Gil October 22, 2003

57πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž