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OverKill PC

When your pc fucking costs over 6000$ dollars and has 2 3090s hooked up to it.

This bitch spent 6000$ dollars on a overkill pc to play some fucking csgo.

by GitGud391 February 25, 2021

SCP Containment Breach

Arguably the best SCP game ever to be made featuring annoying SCP's such as The peanut(SCP 173) and SCP 106.

Billy "I started playing SCP Containment Breach". Joe " wait till u get to heavy that's when shit get real".

by GitGud391 September 28, 2020

who the fuck asked

When someone says something random so someone shouts WHO THE FUCK ASKED.

John:" hey I got a 100 like comment on YouTube". Billy: WHO THE FUCK ASKED".

by GitGud391 October 6, 2020

52👍 3👎