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Used as a verb.

to "get exterior" means to get rowdy, get ready to party, or rally a ton of booze. Most commonly used by frat boys

"The kegs just landed, lets get exterior."
"You boys ready to get exterior tonight?"

by GlucoseGod September 2, 2021


Used as an adjective to describe someone or to describe yourself. If you are "royally ____" it means you're over the top, exceeding expectations. Commonly used when you're seriously messed up.

"I had 10 beers and I'm royally f*cked up, dude."

"He was royally messed up at that party last night, I heard he pissed on the couch."

by GlucoseGod September 2, 2021


Short for tolerance, more specifically tolerance to a drug

"I heard he was drunk after only drinking 2 beers, he needs to get his tolly up"

"I took a .1 at the festival and was rolling dick. I think I need to get my tolly up"

by GlucoseGod June 5, 2021