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Also known as thrash metal. Stylistically expanding from speed metal, thrash was harsher, heavier and in some cases even faster than its predecessor. The lyrics, as before, were associated with the more negative aspects as life, as well as the darker. A good amount of thrash also dealt with political or social subjects not dissimilar to punk. Vocals were less sung and more shouted, and drums were often rapid fire. Solos, as you might imagine, were at times prominent throughout nearly an entire song. It was at this point in metal that music would only become heavier and more aggressive. Thrash was menacing, crushing and often disliked by the mainstream community for its heaviness. The music form would die down in the 1990's, and be replaced by the likes of black and death metal. Thrash was most likely named as such because many fans of the music often thrash (or "mosh") one another around at concerts. Common examples of thrash include Bathory, Dark Angel, D.R.I., Exodus, Kreator, Metal Church, Slayer, Testament, Venom, Violence, and countless others.

Britain's Sabbat is one of the most underrated thrash bands from the late 1980's.

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

470👍 96👎


\me-tlOne who is extremely dedicated to, or heavily associated with, the metal culture.

Larry's a total metalhead--he's been to every Cannibal Corpse concert in Dallas for the last six years!

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

561👍 189👎


Anything of or relating to wordheavy metal, or the various subgenres of heavy metal.

Cody dresses metal on a regular basis--check out his badass new combat boots!

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

23👍 70👎

Extreme Metal

Any form of metal that goes beyond heavy metal in terms of extremity--black metal, death metal, grindcore are the most commonly used, though thrash (primiarly that from the 1980's) can be included as well. This also includes hybrid genres, such as dark metal, death grind, death thrash, goregrind, etc.

Morbid Angel is one of the most popular extreme metal bands today.

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

64👍 7👎


Commonly, it refers to one of three things: music, lifestyle, and fashion, though it is not seen as proper to designate one's self as goth based purely on their manner of dress, and most goths do not publicly proclaim themselves as such anyway. The gothic subculture tends to have a poor reputation because so many of the people who choose to label themselves as such know nothing about the culture, and involve themselves in juvenille or melodramatic behavior that they feel "is goth".

Musically, it refers to an alternate form of rock that first developed in the late 70's as a post-punk form of music. This early, guitar driven form of goth is commonly called "death rock". The guitars often serve as an ambient rather than melodic instrument, drumming tends to be dance oriented and the vocals are often somewhat haunting or distant. Lyrics deal heavily with introspection, nilhilism and the occult, though most assume it deals strictly with satanism. Many gothic bands mix industrial elements into their music, leading some to believe that all industrial music is gothic. Common bands associatdd with the term include The Cure, Bahaus, 45 Grave, Sisters of Mercy, Joy Division, etc.

Lifestyle-wise, there doesn't appear to be a lifestyle that all gothics follow, though some seem to share similar characteristics, which can include an interest in occultist themes, poetry, religion, introspection, gothic literature (which was written some time during the Victorian Era), folklore, etc. Most gothics are known for regularly attending dance clubs that play gothic and industrial music, and some are also known for their interest in the S&M culture.

Fashion-wise, there tends to be a lot of accessories, and the most common of which are victorian/medieval inspired (velvet and lace, pirate shirts, corsets, etc.), bondage inspired (slave bracelets, chokers, large boots, fishnet and mesh clothing, clothing made out of PVC, leather, rubber, latex or vinyl), or punk inspired (bondage pants, leather jackets, spiked or studded jewelry). Gothics have a tenendency to wear mostly black, though sometimes white or red, and have their hair dyed, usually purple or jet black (the hair is also stylized in a certain fashion, usually mushroomed out like Robert Smith of The Cutre, dreadlocked, or black with bangs like Emily (the mascot for a line of products of the same name), or other similar, outlandish designs. There is also a tendency for theatrical-style make-up (white foundation with black emphasis around the eyes and sometimes mouth). Goth fashion is sometimes mistaken for the on-stage presence of black metal groups.

Many think that bands such as Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails are goth rock bands, but they're really just commercialized industrial music.

by Goatlord December 27, 2003

300👍 119👎

Death Metal

A form of music that developed in the mid 1980's from thrash. Possessed recorded a song entitled "Death Metal" in 1984, which would appear on their debut album Seven Churches in 1985. Other bands such as Aggression, Death, Necrophagia, Nun Slaughter, Slaughter Lord and even Slayer contributed to the movement. What defined death metal was the fact that it was basically an exaggerated form of thrash--everything from the vocals (which transformed into a mix of growling, grunting and rasping) to the drumming was made harsher and heavier than before. The music itself became somewhat anti-rhythmic, and in some cases experimental (as seen with Darkthrone's Goatlord album, or the modern technicality of Necrophagist). The first bands to really modernize the movement included Autopsy, Cannibal Corpse, the virtually unkown Necrovore, Morbid Angel, Obituary, and Ripping Corpse, among others. Death metal could range from the blood and gore horror imagery of Cannibal Corpse, to the satanic overtones of Deicide, to the political statements carried by Dying Fetus. Some criticize death metal as they feel the musicians do nothing but randomly band their instruments. Nothing could be further from the truth--listen to Morbid Angel's album Covenant, for instance, or Cannibal Corpse's Gore Obsessed, to get a better perspective on the scene.

Older Sepultura is a mix of death metal and thrash metal, commonly referred to as death thrash.

by Goatlord April 30, 2003

1967👍 274👎