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Black market

A place where they sell stolen stuffs

I got this iPad in black market for $100! It fell out of the back of the truck!

by Goodchild May 13, 2015

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Drama thief

A person who steal someone's drama

I stole his drama and his money, and his girl friend as well! he is now a loser. I am a bad drama thief!

by Goodchild May 13, 2015

Sugar fetus

Someone who looks like a fetus living in the closet and try to get a sugar daddy/mommy.

Have you seen her trying to get a sugar daddy online?
She looks like fetus and never come out of her closet
She doesn't look like someone anyway
Some guys will like to feed her like a fetus
She is sugar fetus

by Goodchild July 16, 2016

Drama slave

A person who is slave of drama

I am a drama slave. I can't stop watching tv everyday. My life is boring.

by Goodchild May 13, 2015

Fug u

Fugu means a blowfish in Japanese. Blow fish makes its body bigger when they are threaten, and their intestine is poisonous it could kill a cow with a small drop or its juice. Small Asian could say "fug u" instead of "fuck you."

why is this guy bothering me?

He is Asian and saying to you fug u instead of fuck you.

by Goodchild May 5, 2013

Noodle queen

A guy who has long straight black hair and hang out with girls. Asians often eat noodles when it is rainy day. It's traditional. If he has long dark hair he could be noodle queen. He is not exactly feminine acting. He is more awkward and melancholic. He is not feminine acting at all but he has long hair. He hangs out with girls a lot.

He could be hiding his malicious thoughts behind women who are not a threat to man's world. He knows that guys love long hairs and won't hurt him only because he has that same trait as cover. As soon as he notice the suspicions are gone, he start to judge others as abusive men and he act like he is ultimate protector. Singers who sing the love songs could have that. He is hiding his desire to dominate but very frustrated and he uses trick that show himself as women behind women so he could look protecting but he is controlling women. Women who like to challenge to man's world could comfort by his fake act supportive. He is actually women hater and very dominating and authoritative so women who grown up and tired of being raised by dominating father could feel something is in there. He hate the world where he is in not because of his circumstances but because of his intention is not working which is huge or bigger than normal.

You guys see the noodle queen in campus?

Yeah it's like the end of the world, rain falling from the sky.

We need a Noah to build our ship to another school.

That's a good idea.

Hopefully tomorrow is rain and wipe out all the whiners.

God yeah

by Goodchild October 23, 2011

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Kimchee skunk fart

If you eat kimchee you get so high and start dancing like the fat singer from Korea because its fermented. After you smell your own fart from that rotten cabbage, you are like crazy dancing feeling like you just had some big dig in your ass leading to the huge orgasm like a ugly women finally getting off.

Mr park had some kimchee skunk fart.
Oh not again, did he dance in he middle of the street???

Yeah he looked like big women lost her mind thinking she has a dick
He should go back to his own park

Where other skunks, gophers and hedgehogs hang around the golf club

by Goodchild July 21, 2013