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A pro House divided player that plays rainbow and gets plat 1 every season. He is very good.

You can watch his compilation by searching "Introducing Zhanga"

He is good

zhanga is so good can he carry me to plat?

by Gravixx April 1, 2019


A pro House divided player that plays rainbow and gets plat 1 every season. He is very good.

You can watch his compilation by searching "Introducing Zhanga"

He is good

zhanga is so good can he carry me to plat?

by Gravixx April 1, 2019


no one cares about it

ew not school

by Gravixx April 1, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pulling an ollie

the action of making your voice deeper than it really is, to hide the fact that in reality you really are a squeaker

Oh that guy over there, his voice isnt that deep, he must be pulling an ollie!

by Gravixx October 16, 2022


When the 2 year old squeaker in the chat gets pissed


by Gravixx May 24, 2018

56πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary

Where you look up your mates names and compare the definitions to their actual personality traits, or you make your own name a definition and make yourself look good

Im gonna look your name up on the Urban Dictionary

by Gravixx April 1, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Some hairy ass creature from the big lez show.

Sassy You fuckin Druggo

by Gravixx May 24, 2018

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž