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El Nino

A lazy man's way of writing "El Niño".

Bill "I heard el nino hit mexico last week."

Margarita "¿Qúe?"

by GreatMcGoogler October 12, 2008

6👍 10👎

Rusty Submarine

When a girl pulls her pants down (her cheeks loomin' over yo' erect dick), pops a squat, and straight up takes a massive, gravy shit on the tip of your penis. Like, not even in a sexual way. She just has to poop.

Ted: "You remember that machine Wonka drove down the chocolate river?"
Bill: "The boat?"
Ted: "Yeah. I was trying to remember why I was thinking of that boat, and then I realized.. it looked just like Paul's dick after Becky gave him that rusty submarine this morning.

by GreatMcGoogler March 28, 2015