Source Code


A word used as a license to ignore all political correctness and allow you to say whatever you damnwell want, regardless of who you offend and whether or not they are right in front of you.

.... and frankly, I don't think Peter is capable of doing his job. Oh hi Pete....

by Greeenie October 27, 2010

59👍 18👎

Typist Terror

The fear that one experiences whilst typing with a friend or colleague overlooking.

Capable of reducing typing speed and accuracy to the level of a preschooler.

I'm a great typist most of the time, but when someone is looking over my shoulder I succumb to Typist Terror and make a complete idiot out of myself, I hope my boss doesn't see...

by Greeenie September 21, 2009

8👍 1👎

team building

Typically just a corporate term for a piss up.

The act of spending company dollars on booze in an attempt to make a work team get on better.

Likely to backfire and actually break down a team due to the free nature of the booze and it's much-loved disinhibition, coupled with an abhorrence of your colleagues. Watch out for a drunkfession, drunkfrontation and an assortment of drunkidity.

Crafty managers have been known to use this as a ploy to remove a disliked employee.

So you understand that your behaviour at the team building exercise was in breach of your employment contract and our code of donduct, so we have no choice to terminate your employment.

(Cheers in next office quickly muffled by bacon & egg rolls)

by Greeenie June 17, 2011

4👍 2👎