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1. An "old timey" supposed insult used by the impoverished & intellectually challenged youth of most Philadelphia suburbs. These youth are usually ashamed to admit that they live in the burbs like Haverton, Levittown and Bristol and are usually white.

It is intended to question a person's education and sexuality simultaneously, while actually failing horrendously to anyone not born or raised in this sad land.

2. One could inter that this is the name of NFL Giants fans, due to the high use of this outdated antiquated colloquialism at Philadelphia Eagle home games.

You corny stupid faggot, you are the king of strappers!

by Grepdogg1 January 23, 2011

33👍 76👎

givey takey

A sophomoric Irish Twist on the act of forced sex (rape) popularized by the movie "Darby O'Gill and the little people".

Meaning that an unwilling partner will "give" sex, and the willing partner will "take" it regardless of enthusiasms.

Can be used as a noun or a verb.

"Well, this is the big third date, if Kelly will not give it up, I may have to throw down the ol' givey-takey"

"I'd like to hook that stuck up bitch with some givey takey!"

by Grepdogg1 April 18, 2009

59👍 10👎

Coin tosser

When a gay couple cannot decide who will be the "top" and who will be the "bottom" for the night, or in the relationship.

This was originally explored in the Brokeback Mountain scene where the roles were determined via a hearty wrestling match when they began exploring their newfound homosexuality.

Coin Tossers are commonly "new" homosexuals who are still discovering if they prefer giving or taking for the long run, or can simply be a couple who has similar tastes and the Dominant role in the relationship has not been established.

"That bear couple look exactly the same, all burly and hairy, which one is the top or the bottom, or do you think they are coin tossers?"

"Those twinks are both pretty girly, you think they are coin tossers?"

"Did you hear that Chuey and Jesus decided they are gay and started dating? Since they are new at ass love they decided to be coin tossers till they figure out which position suits them"

by Grepdogg1 August 3, 2009

32👍 8👎


A ridiculous haircut, outdated and covers the entire forehead - not unlike a band member of the Beatles. Fashioned after the mane of the infamous impeached Illinois senator, Rod Blagojevich. Often popular with early 1980's game show hosts.

"Man, I have seen some shitty haircuts in my day, bowlcuts, the TRUMP, the Pete Rose, but that fucking Blagojevich takes the cake!"

"You didn't pay your barber to give that Blagojevich, did you?"

"I can't figure out how to describe your lack of a haircut, it looks like Eric Foreman for that 70's show, a quarter inch more and you will be in Blagojevich territory

by Grepdogg1 February 20, 2009

203👍 84👎