Source Code

Far cry 6

A solid demonstration of Ubisoft's inability to make good working backend software to allow good co-op sessions for a video game, despite it being 2022 and multiplayer games have been out for the past 20 years. Instead the game excels on throwing multiple networking errors while Ubisoft's IT team blames you and your router/console while their networking team is celebrating their utter ineptitude for making basic software.

Oh dude you got disconnected again? Of course man! It's Far Cry 6!

by GucciGoo April 5, 2022

7👍 4👎


A very diluted system built to advertise that it assesses a student's knowledge but really means nothing in the job market.

Recruiter: Your 4.00 GPA does not substitute for no experience sir.

Interviewee: What? But my university advisor says differently!

Recruiter: Sorry but she is wrong and I can clearly see you cannot actually do anything useful outside the classroom.

by GucciGoo October 17, 2014

69👍 18👎