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Did You Dirty

An insult after you completely wreck someone. Can also be said as "You just got did dirty" It could be as simple as winning rock-paper-scissors, or as complex as beating someone in Madden. Said enough times in sequence and it can really be annoying.

Jimmy: Broh, I'm gonna score a Touchdown on this play!

Ron: Shut up, no you won't.

Jimmy: I told you I would! I just did you dirty right there.

by GulleyBreeze October 17, 2010

58👍 66👎

Lowest Animal

This is a human that is the most disgusting creature to ever walk the face of the earth. Not only do they smell bad, but they act stupid, and sleep around with grunge ugly people. Most commonly associated with males.

Ted: Man, last night I got this girl drunk and took her back to my place to have sex. Then I farted in her face! I'm so cool.

Nathan: No dude, you're the Lowest Animal.

by GulleyBreeze October 18, 2010

16👍 1👎

Dirty Biz

A man whore, to say the least. This person is addicted to sex and does only dirty, unspeakable things during it. Instead of keeping all the details on the down low, they love to flaunt all the dirty deeds they have done. Not as bad as the lowest animal, but close.

Evan: I just did her in the butt, and she started to bleed!

Table: Shut up dude, you're Dirty Biz.

by GulleyBreeze October 17, 2010

15👍 3👎


The guido way of saying bro. It is much more annoying and gets the point across way easier. Society might not respect you as much, but who cares, its a Jersey thing.

Jimmy: Hey, what's up bro?

Nick: Dude, you're a guido, don't you mean "Broh"??

by GulleyBreeze October 17, 2010

54👍 25👎

Low Key Headdy Wops

Getting a Blow Job in a public setting, but making it so no one knows. Often times done in a car, movie theater, or in a park.
Can be abbreviated as LKHW- but pronounced LKHDub

Ex 1: I got some Low Key Headdy Wops when Jill and I went thru the car wash!

Ex 2: Dude, i just got some LKHW in the bathroom of that party last night!

by GulleyBreeze October 18, 2010

20👍 4👎


Getting a Blow Job in a public setting, but making it so no one knows. Often times done in a car, movie theater, or in a park.

I got some Low-Key-Headdy-Wops when Jill and I went thru the car wash!

by GulleyBreeze October 14, 2010

18👍 4👎


means to cock-slap.

Eric: Mary if you don't stop talking I am going to Fadoof you!

by GulleyBreeze October 20, 2010

17👍 2👎