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Instances are dungeons and special areas in World of Warcraft which many copies can exist at once. An instance allows many groups of players to traverse the same geography and battle the same enemies at the same time, without interfering with each other. Instances are accessible by a swirling portal. They may be blocked by a locked door which requires a key.
Instances were made as a way so solve a set of related problems which had become obvious. Everyone wants to slay the hardest monsters and get the best loot, but having the whole server at the very same spot at the same time would've crashed the server.
In World of Warcraft you can find instances such as Naxx and BWL.

d00d1: LFG any high lvl instance.
d00d2: d00d1, join us! we're going to UBRS ;)

by HÃ¥kon September 5, 2006

90👍 24👎


An actrotomophile person is someone who is sexually attracted to amputated body parts.

Person 1: I always watch pornographics to get horny.
Person 2: I always watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to get horny.
Person 1: OMG! You sick actrotomophile fuck!

by HÃ¥kon September 7, 2006

3👍 5👎


A female night elf. Commonly used on World of warcraft forums. Azeroth (the world of warcraft) is full of male night elves, so fenelves are wanted and good looking. It's good to be a fenelf.

Player1: I hate nelfs!!1 zomg, there are too many of them!!
Player2: roflcopter, i know! But i'm a fenelf and i'm way better looking than you, fat d0rf!!
Player1: omfag, ur sexy! Let's battle!

by HÃ¥kon September 4, 2006

6👍 4👎


A verb rarely used by extreme 1337 CS gamers. "Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Aas Off Till I Piss In My Pants".

Gamer1: Jiiiises, I got pwned by a n00b!!1
Gamer2: ROFLMAOTIPIMP, then you're teh nab!1eleven ^_^

by HÃ¥kon September 4, 2006

3👍 3👎


Short for Ahn'Qiraj. A high level raid instance in World of Warcraft. Can be found in southern Silithus. Contains bosses such as Skeram, Sartura, Fankriss, Huhuran, Twin Emperors, C'thun, bug trio, Ouro and Viscidus.

Zomg, that shaman has gathered the whole Stormcaller set. He must have been alot in AQ -.-

by HÃ¥kon September 5, 2006

72👍 43👎


An apotemnphile person is someone who gets horny by the thought of losing a body part.

Girlfriend: do you want me to blow you?
Apotemnphile boyfriend: no, i want you to cut of my leg!

by HÃ¥kon September 7, 2006

9👍 2👎


Burnig Crusade, World of Warcraft's expansion pack. It contains a whole new land (outland), many new instances, creatures, draeneis, blood elves and the brand new flying mount.

d00d1: oh noes, im gonna roll a blood elf lolladin when blizzard releases BC!!!1eleven ^_^
d00d2: o rly? BC deserves one more draenei shammy tbh, OLOLOLOL!!!!1

by HÃ¥kon September 5, 2006

63👍 74👎