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a person who is acting stupid, dumb, crazy, hilarious, angry, high, absent minded, drunk, retarded or weird, and can be any combination of the previous. This word originated in DC and Maryland (and other select places on the east coast), and is quite rare to be heard anywhere else. It is also hard for people to understand it's context who aren't from the area

"your a lunchbox"
"that kid is a lunchbox"
Q: "yo remember at lunch when that retarded kid started yelling and jumping up and down??"
A:"yea what a lunchbox!"

by HQEWQS October 6, 2007

278👍 131👎


another word for weed, or smoking weed,or the very obvious fact that you are about to smoke, or as a greeting for friends who know that they are going to smoke routinely at certain times or just whenever, only only only used in Maryland, people not from the area probably will not understand it's context

Q"yooo tryin' to duh??"

"i wanna get some duh"

"im duh'd homie"

friend #1 on phone "DUH!"
friend #2 on phone "DUH!"
*hang up*

^^the above conversation achieved the fact that these friends are going to meet and smoke at a designated area and time, or right away

by HQEWQS October 6, 2007

4👍 20👎