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Short for bitch. Something you can use as a fuck you on the face of censors, specifically Evil Susan, trying to control free speech on YouTube, as if all of the audience on YouTube are some wimpy kids!

Types bitch.

Types b***.
Types biatch.
Comment doesn't get posted, but they don't let you know, & you think you did a great job, but really they didn't give you a chance to defend yourself, ghosted & shadow banned you, & made you look like a fool.

Me, an intellectual, who's ten steps ahead : Types bh.

Bypasses filter. Commenting successful.
Take that euphemism up your ass, Susan!

by Halock May 7, 2021


A portmanteau or combination of “Open to interpretation".

Usually used for describing such movies, especially mystery/thrillers, which have open endings, two or more endings, or endings that are open to various interpretations by different viewers.

Such movies are deliberately left incomplete, so that the audience can themselves put the puzzling pieces together from their own perspectives for a sensible closure. Some may need an explanation through theories to understand the movie better.

Mulholland Drive & Inception are opinterpretations.

by Halock October 21, 2018

Talking Cut-outs Meme

A new age meme, in the nature of Youtube poop, where the photo cut outs, especially that of famous celebrities are manipulated against different backgrounds to play out a hilarious imaginary scene, or an entire series of episodes.

Pop stars are mostly the butt of this meme; their cut-outs are assembled & juxtaposed to fit a given scenario, & often times the lines from their songs are extracted & played as dialogues to match that scenario, which makes it ever so more entertaining. The Cut-outs usually don't talk, but are simply moved up & down when the particular character is speaking, & then other times they are moved around in particular ways to mimic certain actions as if it's a living character, just like in a game, but only lifelessy still. Even the expressions are sometimes manipulated by switching between different pictures, or with the use of animated effects. They can be costumed up to almost wearing anything through Photoshop or any such photo editing software.

This is the latest uprising fad after Mukbang & ASMR videos on YouTube. The term Talking Cut-outs meme can also be simply shortened to TCo/TCO meme for convenience.

VanityLessons, Stan Anime, RustyHill-秀山, Darianas Eggs are some of the top channels producing this meme content, & are really great at it.

Taffy : Hey, did you watch that new talking cut-outs meme of popstars at McDonald's that I sent you?

Rexa : Haha, I totally choked on my soda when I saw that. That shit's just unbelievably genius, creative & hilarious. All those dialogues ripped from songs like "I don't like", "Thank you next", "Taki Taki", "Boombayah", "This is what you came for", "I know what I came to do", "Ariana Run", "Now I'm the bad guy", "Yeah Yeah", "Sorry", "Ice Cold Water", "Hot Sauce", "One Kiss is all it Takes", "Finally" have become my favourites; & I'm not even talking about the actual songs.

Taffy: Wow, you certainly seemed to be addicted to those a lot more than me!

Rexa : Thanks for introducing them to me. I just totally love them!

by Halock September 17, 2020


What you get when you add meek & weak.

Random YouTuber : I'm sorry guys. I, in no way advocate this kind of behaviour. That being said - under the circumstances, I didn't know what I was doing. I was suffering from depression when I was growing up. I was young & stupid, & didn't know how the world worked or knew about other's sufferings. So I'll be deleting my channel as a solidarity for the people suffering because of what I joked about in my 10 year old video.

Butcher : You meak cunt! Don't you dare give food to the cancel culturists! Just own up to your mistake & say you're a human, & not an alternate species! Those who are sane, will forgive you if you no longer advocate this kind of behaviour as an adult! Crazy, toxic, unrealistic fans are the last thing anyone needs!

by Halock September 19, 2020


Short for superhumans or "super-abled" in the "The Boys" comics & TV series; most of whom were created using a substance known as Compound-V.

Butcher : Supe-heroes, Supe-villains, Supe-terrorists, they are all the fockin same. Let's kill those motherfockin supe freaks!

Hughie : No they are not all the same. You don't know what you're talking about.

Butcher : Shut up, cunt! (*Long Stares). Boy, you have no idea, do ya?!

by Halock September 20, 2020

15👍 1👎

Concentration camp

A place where children go to concentrate; or at least that's what some of those parents tell their kids.

Timmy : What's concentration camp? Is it like summer camp for studying?

Deadpool : No sweety. It's the place you go when you're grounded. And you're grounded - Just kidding - No but really. Do you have a neo-nazi friend by any chance?

Timmy : what's nazi?

Deadpool : Oh boy!

by Halock October 1, 2020

6👍 57👎


Meme stands for "Media Equipment for Mind Editing". A powerful psychological tool capable of altering emotions, taking or giving power when you most need it, or when you run out of options.

Me : Political memes are a modern tool or mode of persuasion.
Me2 : RIP Ethos, Pathos & Logos.
MeMe : ...and Sorrows.

by Halock February 6, 2021