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w-word is a slur used by gay cowboys and incels. The actual word w-word is a euphemism for woman, but it can mean any female/girl/woman.

Incel: I fucking hate those w-words
Gay Cowboy: Shucks, you should give up on those dang w-words and become a gay cowboy. We don't have to deal with them w-words
Incel: I guess you're right, fuck w-words

by HandleBrake12 March 3, 2019

147πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A term to refer to Vancouver which denotes its high Asian, or gook population. Similar to the term Chicongo for Chicago.

Grant: Ugh, I hate Vangooker, I want to return to Charlottetown where it is all white.
Shawn: I know right, us PEI boys aren't used to so many slant eyed people in one place.

by HandleBrake12 November 2, 2020


A cutesy anime way to say hello. Often used by anime obsessed teen girls who think that acting like a baby is cute, and teen boys who like making fun of said girls.

Girl: Haii~~
Boy: Ok Belle Delphine

by HandleBrake12 February 19, 2021

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The child of a hexadecaroon, who is someone of 1/16ths black and 15/16ths white ancestry, and a white person, therefore making the dotriacontaroon a person of 1/32nds black ancestry and 31/32nds white ancestry. A dotriacontaroon has 1 3x great grandparent and 31 white 3x great grandparents

I just found out that my girlfriend is a dotriacontaroon, it's kinda weird to think about how exactly how consensual the sex between her 3x great grandma and her 3x great grandpa was.

by HandleBrake12 February 16, 2021

Braindead Afrikaner

A braindead Afrikaner is an Afrikaner who has a very low IQ, probably calls black people nogs, believes that Orania is retarded, and believes that a South African Civil War is coming, an therefore spends all of his spare rands on canned biltong. Synonyms include Kaaplander and braindead Boer.

Horne: Did you see the YouTube channel of this Kaaplander individual, he seems quite unintelligent.
Smith: I have seen his channel, and I believe that he is a braindead Afrikaner.

by HandleBrake12 July 3, 2020

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The Boerboel is a large, mastiff-type dog breed from South Africa that is bred for the purpose of guarding the homestead and working the farm. They are one of the most powerful dog breeds in the world and have an estimated bite force around 800-850 PSI. Individual boerboels have been documented killing Adult male leopards. Also, many w-words, especially those who happen to be white have a history of having sex with boerboels due to the average male boerboel having a penis size of 10 inches. These women are called boerboel naaiers, and the knowledge of these women is called being dogpilled.

Vermaak: Yo, Pieters, I just got a boerboel for defending my homestead against nog attacks
Pieters: Very good my friend, have you seen videos of dog vs nog where the boerboel absolutely obliterates the nog as if it were a white w-word's pussy?

by HandleBrake12 July 2, 2020

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

non coder

A non coder is a black woman. This is due to the fact that most coding/STEM jobs go disproportionately to Jewish and Asian males, therefore meaning that the opposite of those males, the black women, therefore cannot code.

Grant: Holy shit Nola, did you see that non coder over there in a machine gun couple with that Asian guy.
Nola: I do man, I bet she is making up for the fact that she is a huge non coder, just look at that ass.

by HandleBrake12 December 19, 2020

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