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Capper is a person who wont stop talking, or talking to you. The type of man who comes over and says 'speek inglsh preety laydee?' The type of girl who say 'Heather has put onnnnnnnn so muuuuuch weight dont you think, like, whateverrrrrr'. A fool.

David : Look, i can totally do an olly...or is a narlly..or..wait, just look at how much my jeans cost me..girls, over here! I can get really drunk on cheap ass beer aswell. Did I mention im,like, totally stoned right now? I hate the world and write bad poems about how much I want to cut myself. If i use my moms make up i can be cool as sheep aswell....

Hazel: Man, that guy is a total capper

Evelyn : I agree. Lets Laugh.

Hazel: Im up for that. 'Hahahahaha'

Evelyn: 'Hahahaha'

by Hazel November 11, 2004

19πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Actually a myth; "cellulite" describes more of a look of fat than the actual fat itself. Fat is fat, the only way to get rid of it is through diet and exercise.

The look of "cellulite" is that of cottage cheese, which is actually caused by the sporadic connection between the skin and the muscle.

"I should use cellulite cream to get rid of my fat."
"No, you fat bitch, get off your ass and exercise, don't waste your money."

by Hazel November 1, 2004

502πŸ‘ 305πŸ‘Ž

family guy

A derivative and boring show that mindlessly quotes pop culture 3/4ths of its target audience does not understand.

"Did you watch Family Guy last night? They referenced the A-Team, Sanford and Son, and Lindsay Lohan within a minute!"

by Hazel August 5, 2006

779πŸ‘ 491πŸ‘Ž

Back of the Y

"Back of the Y is without a doubt the greatest thing to grace our television screens in many years. If youre looking for a half hour of full kicking, mind blowing, no budget, stunt laden wanking jokes then this is for you. While everyone seems to be talking about the American series 'Jackass' at the moment, its good to see that our own home grown Kiwi dumbasses Matt Heath and Chris Stapp have once again risen to the challange and made a show so stupid and funny that it makes any jackass look lameass."

"Listen im gonna say this once! DRUGS, are for GROWN UPS! GO TO BED!"

"I'm not an asshole, I'M A MAN!"

"your kids, are on drugs, RIGHT NOW!"

by Hazel September 22, 2004

34πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The tingling, intense sensation of pleasure one gets from defragging their computer.

The Neon Nerd: i finally cleaned out my computer.
Ssseraphim7: did you defrag?
The Neon Nerd: no.
The Neon Nerd: no defragasms for Hazel.

by Hazel April 16, 2005

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1. The nipples on George Cloony's batsuit in "Batman and Robin."
2. The protector of all nipples. Born an upper-class nipple, Batnipple saw his parents die at the hands of a petty criminal. Vowing to avenge them, he donned the black mask and became The Batnipple, crusader and dark knight among nipples.

1. Hazel: The only things I remember from Batman and Robin are the batnipples.
2. Justin: I am the Batnipple.

by Hazel July 9, 2005

35πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The contract of "they" and "are", often confused with "there" and "their".

They're nice people.

by Hazel January 3, 2004

370πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž