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Pathological Liar

It’s someone who lies so much that it’s just a part of their life now. They usually starts at a young age and then it snowballs into their teenage and adult years. It sometimes isn’t even about big things. They’ll lie about anything just because they feel like it. Also when people expose them for being a liar the either lie more to get out of it or get extremely defensive.

Briana: Gavin is a Pathological Liar!
Me: What’s that?
Briana: It’s someone who lies so much that it’s just a part of their life now.
Me: Ok so why do you say that?
Briana: He always says he has so many girls but when I ask him about it he can’t think of anything.

Me: Have you tried just asking him about it?
Briana: I tried but he just gets all defensive!

by HeBigLiar March 30, 2018

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