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Brea Olinda High School

It's a school on a hill. That should be enough to explain, but here's some more details...
It's a place where the staff drive around in golf carts so much you'd swear they were practicing for a real-life Mario Kart race. A place where they spend $4,000 on Operation: Russia instead of bettering the wi-fi and their technology. A place where the teachers go from being cool to strict by the end of the year due to how chaotic the place is. A place where pizza and fast food is delivered because the students spend overtime with their extracurricular activities.
The teachers are often a case of hit and miss. Some teachers are exceptional and actually make you want to learn. Some teachers make you wanna shank them. And others couldn't restore order if their life depended on it because they keep getting run over by a metaphorical car.
The rallies there also seem to be run by communists because no matter how much effort the others put in, the points always go to the Seniors. They could all ditch the rallies and still somehow win. Often, the best events end up being the performances in between of the major announcements, ranging to somewhat mediocre to pretty good.
Overall, it's okay. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.

Fun fact: There is one teacher who is universally hated by every sophomore that takes their class at Brea Olinda High School.

by HelloWorldUD March 22, 2018

7👍 1👎


ideal;not so bad;not stupid

Hey man, did you see that guy who scored a fifty for his team?

Yes, that was impressive.

by HelloWorldUD March 18, 2013

55👍 27👎