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Right click victim

People who's NFT got stolen is calling themselves amongst other things right click victims.

Dude, my NFT got stolen, please help me, iam a right click victim.

by Herobattler June 12, 2022


A derogatory word used primarily by overly feminist-oriented people when they run out of realistic arguments or can't find a real reason for a certain behavior in a discussion or conversation. Words like incel or asshole are also often found in this context.

These anime fans are such misogynists, they are incels who will never date a real woman.

by Herobattler October 16, 2022

Lolita express

Another word for Epstein's private plane.

Friend: Look, Epstein's plane has arrived.
You: All aboard the Lolita Express.

by Herobattler November 19, 2022


Jerome the name

Jerome isn't dead

by Herobattler December 19, 2021