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in one's stomach

Paul let the ER doctor know he already had some oxy aboard.

by September 8, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Both a noun and a verb, referring to someone who lives aboard a boat, e.g., 'They live aboard their boat' or 'he is a live-aboard'. Can be temporary or permanent, for the length of a dive, vacation, season, lifetime or retirement. If of a more permanent nature, refers to someone who likes the carefree lifestyle associated with living on a boat vs. the responsibility of living in a dwelling on land

One to another: My Dad is retiring soon and he's going to sell his house and become a live-aboard.

Another: No way!

One: Yes, he's going to live-aboard his boat and just sail around the Caribbean and see every single island.

by sarasplayroom.com July 17, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Welcome Aboard!

To allow someone entry into your home when they show up uninvited.

C'mon Glen! Just welcome us aboard!


Joel! Good to see you! Can I welcome you aboard!?

Welcome Aboard!

"Cecila! How great of you to show up uninvited! Welcome Aboard "

by Akudama October 4, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

come aboard my ship

Slang invitation issued to another to share in oneโ€™s own perspective.

You can either stay out there floating in your rigid belief system or choose to come aboard my ship and get a wider view.

by Dr Bunnygirl November 17, 2019

All Aboard The Pain Train

What is heard by one about to sustain a serious beating...said by the conductor of the ass whooping

That twink just cut me off! ALL ABOARD THE PAIN TRAIN

by mr.snruB September 7, 2010

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come aboard of her

To give it all you got! BUB

My truck was stuck so I came aboard of her!

by Jason Haines - Gee Styles August 21, 2003

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Living aboard

A situation where a person from their native country, go to live in a different country, particularly an expat

I usually live here in America, but I will be living aboard in Italy for the summer.

by RealSuperJames April 17, 2024