Source Code


A person of Turkish extraction.

Even though it was an unconvincing group stage win, the streets were filled with celebrating basters.

Khazil is a nice guy, for a baster.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

42πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Text Chasm


An unnanounced hiatus in a text conversation, which can last any amount of time. It usually occurs when one of the conversing parties leaves their computer, or turns off their phone, and the remaining party is left hanging. Often the remaining chatter will fill the text chasm with assinine remarks, mistaking the chasm for speechlessness. When the missing chatter returns, sometimes the next day, the text chasm is collapsed.

Chatter 1: 'Yeah they totally rocked the house last night"
Chatter 2: "For sure, what an amazing set."
Chatter 1 now leaves, creating a text chasm.

Chatter 2: "That keyboardist was smokin hot."
Chatter 2: "Did you see the guitarist fall over? What a loser."
Chatter 2: "I fucked your sister last night."

Chatter 1 returns much later, reads the last comment and is upset.

by Hexis February 5, 2009

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

donkey bombs


Look out I've been dropping some bad donkey bombs.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the how's she going

A slight 'opening up' of the hockey stick while on the forehand, so as to sell the goalie on a forehand shot, in order to go backhand.

He coasted in on a breakaway, gave him the how's she going, slid the puck to the backhand and put it top shelf.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

salad side

The short-side on a goalie, the weaker of an opponent's two sides.

He swooped in off the wing and tried to stuff the puck salad side.

He's been dominating you on the forehand all match, you've got to pound his salad side if you want a chance.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

grating the cheese

In video game hockey, rapidly poke checking the goalie while he has the puck covered but can still move it.

Any goals gained from this practice are very cheesy.

Why do you keep grating the cheese? I'm not going to pass it with my goalie.

I've got two goals off grating the cheese alone.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1)An 'outie' vagina.
2) The city of Ottawa.

1)Did you see that Chyna video? Man she's got an o-twat.

2) I don't care if it is the capital city, I can't stand O-twat.

by Hexis July 25, 2008

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž