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A system of government where the people are ruled by bleeding vaginas

Gestonia's government is a menarche.

by Hlalakar May 14, 2020

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A relatively new racist term for an African American, because 4chan wont stop until they've ruined every word, gesture, color, shape, and basically every noun.

Whenever I see a jogger on the street I roll up my windows and lock the doors.

by Hlalakar June 8, 2020

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A slur for the INtellectually DISabled. Will soon replace the now insulting term "retarded" which replaced "imbecile" and "moron". In 20 or 30 years indis will also become an intolerable insult, and the psychiatrists and neurologists will come up with a new term. Rinse and repeat.

Look at that stupid indis trying to spell his name.

by Hlalakar May 20, 2020


A childish insult directed at Donald Trump supporters.

Well, if I'm a trumpet then go ahead and blow me.

by Hlalakar June 8, 2020


A stout, hairy, homosexual midget. A shorter version of a bear.

I used to be into effeminate fat guys but now I'm attracted to wolverines.

by Hlalakar May 14, 2020


a greenish blue to bluish green mineral composed of hydrated zinc phosphate which smells like pussy and boogers.

Phosphophyllite is gorgeous, but it's too stank for jewelry.

by Hlalakar June 25, 2020

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a rare and radioactive nesosilicate of thorium with the chemical formula of (Th,U)SiO4. It is formed when Thor takes a shit.

My geology professor won't admit that thorite comes from an Asgardian's asshole.

by Hlalakar June 28, 2020