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Big mood

Big mood is a slang term that originated on Tumblr and Twitter, it is used to express agreement instead of using "same." or "true."

"Logan Paul is such a dumbass."
"Big mood."

by HoneyOTU March 1, 2018

147👍 25👎

Bone Apple Titty

The (in)proper way of saying Bon Appetit.

Mom: bone apple titty!!
Son: what?
Mom: i said bone apple titty!!
Son: i don't think that's how you say it mom...

by HoneyOTU September 10, 2018

33👍 2👎

ecks dee

The superior way of saying xD.

Person1: thats so funny lmao
Person2: ECKS DEE
Person1: what does that mean
Person2: You're a fucking normie.

by HoneyOTU August 19, 2018

225👍 20👎