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Blissfully Unaware

Not knowing something or being unaware of something that would've scarred you forever.

P1: Have you heard of the Astolfo monster c*ck that was viral today?

P2: Wait no what the fuck is that?

P1: You're blissfully unaware of that

by HotgiggityDog June 16, 2022

2👍 1👎

Twitter Police

A person in twitter gatekeeping or harassing users for getting something wrong in a culture, even if its a minor detail of skin color, language, and appearance.

they usually target something like art, content in anime and cartoon, and any content including controversial topics.

Person 1: Did you see that tweet regarding who deleted their art?
Person 2: Yeah, can't believe they got criticized because of a tiny mistake in skin color.
Person 1: Can't believe these Twitter Police gatekeeping any mistake in their culture.
Person 2: These people won't let us have our fun.

by HotgiggityDog January 21, 2022


Dumbbell is called when a person that you're partnered is dumb and possibly weighting down on your project

Normally used in Group School Projects and etc.

The person i'm partnered with doesn't even help me at the project and makes it harder for me, they're such a Dumbbell

by HotgiggityDog May 11, 2022