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1. (n.) A device connected to several other devices, most often computers. A ‘hub’ can also be more broadly used to describe any technological device, eg mobile phone, laptop, ipod, etc.

2. (n.) A technologically advanced person. A good researcher. A high ability to find out difficult information via internet searches and facebook stalking.

3. (n.) A term of endearment, often applied to one who is known for their hub prowess and technological skills.

4. (v.) To hub. To research something, or be in touch with someone, via technology. One can hub via the internet, email, mobile phone, etc. To ‘hub something up’ is to look something up online. To ‘hub someone later’ is to contact the person later via text message, email or facebook.

Hub SMS 1: Hey Hubba! Are you at your hub? Can you check when the Bulldogs play tomorrow?

Hub SMS 2: Yep, I’ll hub it up now. FYI News just in: Big Will OUT, Higgins IN!!

Hub SMS 1: You’re such a hub! Thanks!

Hub SMS 2: Hub ya later

by Hubbalicious July 22, 2010

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