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Reese is a girl who loves to have fun, although when she is alone, she is a very shy and mysterious person, yet when around friends, she goofs off and enjoys lots of things. Sometimes has to be serious, even at the funniest times, she cares about everyone, no matter friend or foe she will be there for the rescue. She is a kind and friendly person, easy to get along with, and she is always smiling on the inside. Reese is usually a weird kind of person. (girl or boy) She has usually brown eyes, mostly gray at times, plain brown hair, and very tall. If you ever run in to a Reese, I would not get on her nerve, even if she is a nice person, she is a badass when it comes to fighting, so I suggest not getting on her last nerve or it may just leave you unconcious. Reese! I wish you new I said this about you!!! XD

Reese: Nice to meet you! I'm Reese.
New girl: Oh, hey i'm Riley.
Reese: Well, nice to meet you Riley, I hope you enjoy it here!
New Girl: Thanks! I look forward to enjoying it!

Later on...

Guy: Oh my god look at that girl, she is being so nice to everybody. (Not like the other girls)
Other Guy: Oh she is totally a Reese, right?
Guy: Right.

by Hunter4477 March 21, 2013

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