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Not any of it . Not anything . aint not nothing of anything . Aint cancels not which leaves nothing to do with anything .

Don’t you say naynaddathing to them police ! Do you hear me ? Naynaddathing !

by I’mBoomboombaby April 8, 2022

it’s more than 1 way to fuck a sheep

A term used implying something can be done in more ways than 1 . Much like more than 1 way to skin a cat . There are multiple options to get the same results . Try something new or different.

Dude , there’s more than one way to skin a cat .

~why would i skin a cat ?

Good point , well it’s more than 1 way to fuck a sheep.

~just say it’s different options , weirdo

by I’mBoomboombaby April 10, 2022

dumb-shit bullshit

The pointless explanations to why a lie should be believable. Extra lies that make what someone said sound even more stupid than the original lie itself.

He said he wasn’t there so i showed him the pictures. Then he gave me some dumb-shit bullshit about how some dude made a mask that looks like him to make me mad and i fell for that dudes dumb-shit bullshit .

by I’mBoomboombaby April 8, 2022