Source Code


This website.

I hate how www.urbandictionary.com has mostly sex stuff.

by I love Post Malone! March 7, 2020

35👍 4👎


1. My dogs name
2. An old person

1. “Come here Boomer!”
2. “Karen is being a boomer!”

by I love Post Malone! March 26, 2020

15👍 11👎

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

by I love Post Malone! April 12, 2020


A girl who is awesome, has 2-6 friends, is blonde, has an addiction to Tik Tok, and loves Posty (Post Malone). She hates sports, but she loves music! You can normally find her with her friends, or at home with her parents. If your feeling down, she can put a smile 😊 on your face easily! Don’t mess with her, or it is going to be absolutely torture! She is also super sensitive, so be super careful with her!

Yep! That’s Katie for ya!

by I love Post Malone! March 7, 2020

5👍 1👎

I am groot

I am groot! I am groot! I am groot!

Helen: Hi! What’s your name?
Groot: I am groot!

by I love Post Malone! March 8, 2020

14👍 1👎

Type Any Word...

If u had 2 type in “type any word...”, then you are really bored!

I am so bored that I am just going to type “type any word...” into Urban Dictionary!

by I love Post Malone! March 16, 2020

46👍 4👎


When u r so bored that u type this.

U must b super bored if u r searching jfkdk up!

by I love Post Malone! March 26, 2020

12👍 3👎