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Skater Gnome

A very comical message poster, found on the general forums of eq.crgaming.com
On the above website, he has his own section, under Popular Areas, dedicated to his posts.

His posts mainly deal with the trials and tribulations of being a level 5 monk in the online world of Everquest.

His habits include skating, eating ice cream, and annoying his brother Mike (usually unintentionally).

Skater Gnome is the rulest!!11!

by IAMSODOT March 18, 2004

97👍 16👎


A suburb near Detroit, Michigan.

Also see The Ville

Roseville is a nice name for the city, but The Ville is so much cooler.

by IAMSODOT May 12, 2004

115👍 97👎


A person who exploits an unfair advantage, typically in an online game.

See Fender

Fender is a dervish exploiter.

by IAMSODOT March 18, 2004

111👍 16👎


DRAMA is an acronym that stands for:

Drunken Retarded Association of Mexico and America

The acronym was coined by Ken S of Roseville, Michigan.

Basically, DRAMA is an association of a bunch of drunken retards who still think that they’re in high school. This association is only for inhabitants of Mexico and America, which includes Canada.

The Five Signs of DRAMA:
1. If you only listen to one side of a story, and then form your opinion, you might be a DRAMA member.
2. If you take sides when two of your friends are fighting, which only adds to the DRAMA, you might be a DRAMA member.
3. If you don’t talk to someone because you’re mad at them, you might be a DRAMA member.
4. If you worry more about what other people are doing, instead of focusing on yourself, you might be a DRAMA member.
5. If you continuously gossip, or talk negatively about total strangers in a social setting, or talk about someone behind their back (whether it be friend, foe, or strange), you might be a DRAMA member.

To be considered a member of DRAMA, you must have at least one of these symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, please seek professional help immediately. Or, if all else fails, try growing up.

Here are the characters of this DRAMA:

Principles or main characters (in order of significance)
1. Danelle (pronounced Duh-nell)
2. Becky O
3. Peggy
4. Stu (a.k.a. Jennifer)
5. Debbie (the understudy to Danelle, she usually isn’t in the DRAMA)

Supporters or supporting roles (in no particular order)
1. Ashley
2. Alison
3. Eryn
4. Andrea
5. Todd

Chorus or characters who only observe with little or no part in the DRAMA (in no particular order)
1. Kenny S
2. Jamie
3. Dave
4. Rian
5. Kenny G

It is very important to avoid all contract with the principles of this DRAMA. If you come into contract with them, prepare to be dramatized. After an encounter with a principle, you will be overcome with DRAMA for 24 hours. In the rare case an erection lasts more than 4 hours…wait, wrong diagnosis…If the DRAMA doesn’t go away after 24 hours, consult your physician immediately. Failure to consult with a physician can lead to death, so it is very important to talk to your doctor.

Some people are able to handle an encounter with a principle and come out of that encounter with little or no DRAMA side effects. Although, this is very rare and, more times than not, you will have DRAMA symptoms for a 24 hour period. After that 24 hour period, you are known as a drama survivor. Some drama survivors may develop post-dramatic stress disorder (PDSD). Symptoms of PDSD include: depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, and avoidance of all DRAMA principles.

Recent research has shown that supporters and chorus members of DRAMA are harmless. More research needs to be done to determine if understudies are harmless as well. All signs point to yes on that, but more work needs to be done in that field. It is important to note that the list of characters above is not complete. In addition to that, current members may move up or down the drama chain, depending upon how much they participate in the DRAMA.

I am reluctant to post this because I believe it may cause a fight. Remember everyone, this is all in good fun, so don’t take it too seriously!

And nice try removing this, by the way!

Ken S: *bitch slaps both girls*

Friends don't let friends start DRAMA....

We should have a mexican standoff instead!

by IAMSODOT March 11, 2005

535👍 476👎

three way

While driving in a car, the act of coming to a three way stop sign. In order for it to be considered a true three way, you must arrive at the exact same instant as two other people.

Person 1: I had a three way with Debbie and one of her girlfriends yesterday.
Person 2: Is that so?
Person 1: Oh yeah, true story
Person 2: How was it?
Person 1: Boy, let me tell you, that Debbie sure can stop!
Person 2: You mean go...right?

by IAMSODOT April 12, 2005

274👍 158👎

The Ville

The Ville is a ghetto fabulous term for the city of Roseville, Michigan. It can also be used for pretty much any other city that has ville in it. However, this term is specifically meant for Roseville, for reasons that I will explain further down in my definition.

In regards to Roseville, anyone with an ounce of coolness can clearly see that the actual city name isn't very hip. It doesn't strike fear into those that hear it. People often associate Roseville with roses, or possibly some other device of cuteness, such as a fairy or a unicorn. These things aren't very funky fresh or jive like.

In contrast, The Ville strikes fear into those that hear its name. In other words, it is the funkified version of Roseville. The Ville is often associated with poppin fresh coolness and other hella hip terms.

Scenario one, a person using the term Roseville, and the subsequent reaction:

Person One: Hey man, please get out of my seat or I will be forced to tell the authorities! I'm sure that won't be necessary though because I'm from Roseville....
Person Two: Hahahahaha! What are you going to do? Hit me with your magical fairy wand?
Person One: *cries*

Scenario two, a person using the term The Ville, and the subsequent reaction:

Person One: Yo dog, get outta my seat or I'll straight up blast you, fool! Ya heard? I'm from The Ville....
Person Two: Yes sir.... Right away sir.... *cowers in fear*
Person One: Word

by IAMSODOT May 5, 2004

196👍 239👎

true story

Contrary to popular belief, true story is used to make a story MORE believable.

Don’t agree with me? Check out the example and see for yourself.

Story 1:
Person 1: So, how was the party at Fender's last night?
Person 2: Dude, you're not going to believe this. I drank a full keg of beer, did a couple lines of cocaine off a striper’s back, ran a marathon, and had sex with your mother. I also won the lottery, did a backflip off the roof of a house, had a three way with two girls, and smoked a kilo of pot. Did I mention I had sex with your mother? I then woke up this morning, felt no effect, and went to work.
*awkward silence*
Person 1: You fucking liar!

Story 2:
Person 1: So, how was the party at Fender's last night?
Person 2: Dude, you're not going to believe this. I drank a full keg of beer, did a couple lines of cocaine off a striper’s back, ran a marathon, and had sex with your mother. I also won the lottery, did a backflip off the roof of a house, had a three way with two girls, and smoked a kilo of pot. Did I mention I had sex with your mother? I then woke up this morning, felt no effect, and went to work.
Person 2: True Story.
Person 1: Well, since you said true story, it must be true. I believe you.

Now tell me. Which version of the story do you think is more believable? That’s what I thought.

by IAMSODOT April 13, 2005

456👍 135👎