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Fox News

A piece of crap "news" program that is overly Republican. Only stupid people watch it.

Glenn Beck "Thank you for watching Glenn Beck on Fox News. A report says Barack Obama is not born in this country."

by IAmNotSashaFierce March 12, 2010

643👍 246👎

Devo 2.0

Another gay ass Disney teen pop band that tried (and failed) to make Devo songs "clean and family friendly." Why Mark approved of it, I don't know. Anyways, they broke up a year after they released their first album "Dev2.0"

All they did was screw up their songs. Horribly.

8 year old girl: "Look at my new Devo 2.0 album!!!!!!!! :D"

The 8 year old girl later exploded from the abomination that came out of a cows penis called DEV2.0

by IAmNotSashaFierce September 1, 2011

6👍 7👎

Dora the Internet Explorer

Dora's web browser, which is based on the crap Internet Explorer.

Dora uses her special "Dora the Internet Explorer" browser by Microsoft. It keeps on crashing and crashing and crashing.

by IAmNotSashaFierce April 4, 2010

25👍 6👎


The best food ever.

Steve: "I am going to eat steak!"

John: "Can I come?"

Steve: "No, it's too good."

by IAmNotSashaFierce March 12, 2010

185👍 86👎


The reason why your CoD lobbies have become so sweaty. FaZe5 is what FaZe uses to recruit new members from the public, and it’s every sweat’s, quickscoper’s and 13 year old on the planet’s ultimate dream to be selected to join.

Person 1: “Damn, why have there been so many sweats in my lobbies lately?”
Kid with a Faze5 clan tag: “FaZe is recruiting again”
Person 1: “Oh”

by IAmNotSashaFierce September 13, 2020

Internet Explorer

1. The best browser to download Firefox.

2. An evil browser that is intergrated in to Windows 95 with IE4 Desktop Update, Windows 98, 98SE, Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows XP. And Bill says it can't be removed, but it can.

3. A tool for downloading viruses, spyware, adware, and trojans.

See firefox.

"Oh my! I just got a virus! And I keep getting them! And Internet Explorer is integrated into my OS! And I just downloaded Firefox!"

by IAmNotSashaFierce October 1, 2009

17👍 6👎


A TV channel that reached its peak in the 90s with shows like Salute Your Shorts and Rocko's Modern Life. But in about 2000 they said "Let's cancel the good shows and make new shows so new kids can watch crap without knowing!" So they introduced crap like Fairly Odd Parents and the New All That and canceled all the great shows. But in 2001 Invader Zim came out. It was like the Second Coming but it was of course canceled. hen in about 2006 they went to the bottom of the Crap hole with "The Naked Brothers Band" but like all Nick shows it was canceled. Now there are stupid shows like "Back in the Barnyard" and "True Jackson VP". SpongeBob is good though.

7 year old kid watching back in the barnyard: "OMG!"

adult who grew up in 90s: "That sucks!"

7 year old: "no it doesn't"

adult: "here i have old nickelodeon tapes"

7 year old: "It's not called nick?"

adult: "no"

7 year old: "ok show me tapes"

kid after seeing tapes: "Nickelodeon sucks now!"

adult: "see i told ya"

by IAmNotSashaFierce March 22, 2010

26👍 6👎