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B1=Black First. In other words, Black Empowerment before anything else. This term is used by the New Voices Of Black Media, including The Black Authority and Professor Black Truth.

"We have to approach these politicians with a B1 Agenda. We need policies that will specifically benefit us".

by IBTAL September 27, 2019

246πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Derives from the Latin word for "Slavic". The Slavics are Europeans who were enslaved throughout history by the Greeks and Romans (who sold them to Arabs and Africans in North Africa and Spain), the Vikings, and even the Germans and Russians (in more recent times). So although ignorant people will use the term "slave" to disparage people of African descent, the term is actually more associated with Europeans.

"I never knew that the Slavics were slaves to the Greeks and Romans centuries ago until I did some research on it".

by IBTAL November 25, 2019

185πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


A new code for Black empowerment.

PG: Praise Garvey (Marcus Garvey)

13 Words: "Unity Is Key, And We Must Be Self Determined By Any Means Necessary".

Although this code may sound similar to the 14/88 Nazi code, it advocates for something positive, which is the upliftment of a group of people who historically have been disenfranchised, and are still dealing with a lot of discrimination/mistreatment to this day. 14/88, on the other hand, promotes the false conspiracy theory of "white genocide", and was created by a fear mongering, racist Nazi scumbag.

"PG/13 that's the movement".

by IBTAL September 28, 2019

90πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A new code for Black empowerment.

PG: Praise Garvey (Marcus Garvey)

13 Words: "Unity Is Key, And We Must Be Self Determined By Any Means Necessary".

"PG/13 that's the movement".

by IBTAL September 27, 2019

87πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Semen Skin

A white person; Refers to the complexion of white people just like Bird Shit.

"These Semen Skins are out of control in 2019".

by IBTAL September 27, 2019

99πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Palm Colored

A white person; This term was coined by Taurean Reign.

"There's nothing more violent in this world than Palm Colored people."

by IBTAL September 26, 2019

241πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


The Birthplace Of Humanity And Civilization.

Africa is home to so many different unique cultures and civilizations, such as the Ashanti Empire, the Nok civilization, Yoruba culture, Ancient Egypt (and yes, Egypt otherwise known as Kemet was predominantly African/Black), Ancient Nubia (similar to Ancient Egypt, and underrated just like most African civilizations), the Kingdom Of Kush, Great Zimbabwe, Zulu, Oromo, Mandinka, Fulani, Berber culture, etc. Modern day Homo Sapiens and pre-modern day humans originated in Africa before migrating to other parts of the world. The most essential things of society today have come from Africa, including Mathematics, Science, Astronomy, Art, Architecture, Spirituality (the root of all religions), and even the use of speech (as stated by French historian Count Constantine De Volney).
There are 54 countries in Africa. It is the richest continent in the world, which is why Africa is constantly getting exploited for it's resources. Unfortunately so many people have a false perception of Africa, and despite everything that the continent and it's inhabitants have been through over the centuries, it's still one of the best places in the world overall.

"If I could visit one place outside of the U.S., it would be Ethiopia, in Africa".

by IBTAL October 30, 2019

338πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž