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Roadman is a word that first appeared in the 21st century in London, England.

Roadmen are often characterised by several factors:

1. They mostly consist of drop outs from school or at least be below the average IQ level of a 12 year old.
2. They wear puffer jackets no matter what season of the year it is. However tracksuit variations do occur, those tracksuits are more often than not from Nike or Emporio armani same as with the puffer jacket species. Their footwear consists of multiple pairs of Nike trainers such as the Air Max series or from the Air Huarache line of shoes. Some do wear however wear Adidas or Jordan's, depending if their benefits are big enough to cover their cost.
3. They more often than not have a small man bag to carry their marijuana and other illegal substances, their cigarettes bought from a corner shop and a small shank for extorting money.
4. either they or their parents live off of pure welfare and benefits. And somehow manage to get more girls and better clothing than the typical person.

Here is a random youtube comment showing off the roadman dilect: when you're on that grind fam like blud looking in that JD getting bare vexed that your fam ain't become blud cus your cuz couldn't get any wings and dat fam like from the chicken and fam chips shop like you know what I'm saying cuz like working class blud Arsenal fan tv and dat man like Ozil picking up bare nice kicks for four fifty from nandos if ya know what I'm saying fam

Situation 1:
Person 1: Do you see those Huaraches..
Person 2: Yeah, he's probably a roadman.
Situation 2:
Person 1: Eyy man, you know steve? He's a ginger nonce innit?
person 2: Keep your Roadman down in public please.

by IDKWhatToPutForAUserName August 23, 2017

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