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Bum Camp

A large camp primarily in a wooded area of the inner city, where homeless bums and other outcasts of society set up a camp. These camps can be very elaborate, to say the least. They can have community kitchens, barbers, and other luxuries found in most communities. Junkies, alcoholics, street urchins, and the mentally ill are the primary residents.
River bed bottoms, palm groves, and the like are perfect for bum camps. Usually, bums try to set up on public property close to areas where panhandling opportunities are abundant yet still remote enough to avoid the authorities.

I was hiking down by the river and could smell piss and shit. I knew I was near a bum camp.
I could smell the bastards LONG before I saw the camp. Must have been 10-15 tents with a bunch of filthy bastards living there.

by IH8JIGS July 18, 2020

Hysteria Merchant

Any talking head that makes a living spreading hysteria. CNN, Fox News, and the like harbor them.
Sean Hannity, Don Lemon, Bill O'Riley, Wolf Blitzer, Bret Baier, Rachel Maddow, Van Jones, and so on.

The asshole hysteria merchants on Fox and CNN want to keep everybody in a state of fear with the relentless bullshit

they sell to the mindless idiots who worship them.

by IH8JIGS December 1, 2021

Nigger Parking

Nigger parking is pulling a vehicle up to the ass of another vehicle parked
in a driveway, effectively blocking the pedestrians sidewalk access.
Pedestrians have to go in the street to get around the offending vehicle.

"All these lowlifes nigger parking are blocking the sidewalk.
Might as well just walk in the fucking street"!

by IH8JIGS August 25, 2017

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