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A rare breed of an American classic, he is the "tall, dark, and handsome" guy. Yet there's more to him than the playboy-like visage he puts on. He's regal, but with a dangerous edge that makes him a bit of an homme fatale. They put on a pokerface due to being at a precarious position of being taken advantage of before, so don't mind him when he's not exactly the most open book in the library.

While people may not know much about his love life, once he has his sights on someone... lol. Don't tempt fate with a Lance if you're weak.

What he needs to practice most in his life, is discernment. He’s an incredible shapeshifter, soaking up his environment and the people he's with, which can come off very confusing depending on whose guidance he trusts. Sometimes his friends will never say the things he needs to hear. But a true friend will tell him exactly what they think of him, but in private. Because, pride and care. #LifeProTip

Consider yourself blessed if you have a Lance in your life. They're adorable.

Girl A: I love my leaf sheep. It's so cute and tiny and soaks up the green of whatever it eats! <3
Girl B: You should call it a Lance. Looks just like one when they're happy.

by INY0URFACESPACEC0Y0TE November 14, 2019