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Making love

It's the act of using your grnitals to bring pleasure to someone to show them how much you truly love and care for them! Its sex but it's much better because your doing it with someone you love ! You want to show your love for them by bringing them the best pleasure you can while recieving your own but you care much more about them being satisfied then yourself!

Man, I had sex so many times but last night was so Litt cuz I did it with my new wife whom I really love! I wanted so bad to bring her pleasure to show my love for her and so I did! It was totally making love!

by I_am_me_3 June 3, 2017

253👍 35👎


An evil invention that is degrading to both men and women alike even though people often say its degrading to women. Overtime, it can become an addiction and whether you'd like to admit it or not it does have negative affects on a person's mind even if only subconsciously. It creates unrealistic expectations of sex and ruins relationships and destroys marriages. Sometimes the people in the videos may even have been sex-trafficed which is yet another reason it is bad. If, however you struggle with watching porn don't feel ashamed because we all mess up, you can get help, you're not in this alone!

Man, I wish my wife was as hot as those chicks in porn and could give head as good as them, maybe it's just time to file for divorce and find someone better.

by I_am_me_3 December 31, 2020