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• Amira is the person you should feel comfortable around, Amira is very weird and sometimes can be very shy, she also likes drawing
• Amira in Arabic means princess, but she is not always such a "princess"
• Also very sensitive but will not cry out loud

Amira thinks bad about herself and will do anything to make anyone happy

by I_am_not_here... June 15, 2020

13👍 14👎


Heartshipping is not meant to be. It is Ryou Bakura X Yugi Muto. It is not going to happen OK! Sorry to break your heart, just accept it😐

New Yu-Gi-Oh fan: Oh yes I a m a true Heartshipper!
Me: Do you even know what Heartshipping is?
New Yu-Gi-Oh fan: no? What is it?
Me: Bakura and Yugi

New Yu-Gi-Oh fan:
New Yu-Gi-Oh fan: oh...😶
Me: watch all the series first yeah?

-akward silence-

by I_am_not_here... June 18, 2020


Z is a letter that got removed from the alphabet on Monday 1st June 2020. Any word that starts with Z will be removed with X.

Aunty (me): I remember when I first saw a Zebra
Niece/Nephews: Aunty it's pronounced Xebra! What is 'Z'??

by I_am_not_here... June 15, 2020