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ellis winter

Ellis winter is a lanky nonce who thinks that it is legal to shag underage girls, Ellis uses his size to dominate these young females and gives them no choice than to be fucked by this monster cock.
If these girls didn't smell of fish before this encounter then they definitely do now, Ellis has all of the STDs you could imagine so if you see this man you must run for your virginity (and your future children)

Ellis winter has a monster cock but has every STD imaginable

by I_speak_nothing_but_the_truth December 5, 2019

will towers

Will towers is an ard man, he mainly hangs out "wiv the gang"
The gang is a bunch of extremely "cool" boys who are rock ard. Not only do they vape and smoke but they gangbang underage girls, of course without consent because this is will tower's gang we are talking about. His haircut is a bowl cut because he can't afford a better one because he spent all his money on prostitutes and drugs. Will has his most prised possession hidden in his room, it is his cum sock, If anyone finds that it could be a couple years of cum to waste, and he wasn't letting that happen sso he didn't hide it in his room, of course not, he hid it in his basement, along with all of his drugs and the underage girls he has kidnapped wiv da gang.

"Will towers gangbang underage girls without consent and hides his cumsock in his basement"

by I_speak_nothing_but_the_truth December 6, 2019

phil kay

Phil kay is a massive pedophile who loves children of which are younger than himself - and I mean *much* younger than himself, we don't quite know his sexuality, is he gay, lesbian, or straight, I guess we will never know. But one thing we do know is that he thinks he is strong. He tenses his six pack like nothing else - thinking that it is from all of the sit-ups he has done - but of course it is not, it is because he is a skinny bastard and has a six pack because he doesn't have a gram of fat on his body

Phil kay is weak and thinks he is strong, he has no sexuality

by I_speak_nothing_but_the_truth December 5, 2019

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