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a passionate monologue, sometimes drifting away from the original topic

"And then he spend the whole evening ranting about his coworkers"

by IamMeWasTaken November 14, 2018

5👍 2👎

stealth measuring

exploiting mechanics to measure distances in a table top war game where one is not allowed to check distances freely

We said no stealth measuring! If you want to measure before every action go play 10th Edition!

by IamMeWasTaken April 2, 2023

Cultural appropriation

a term SJWs use to prove that they are left wing racists with no self awareness.

SJW: "That white girl wears dreadlocks! She can't do that, that's cultural appropriation!"
Everyone else: "So you say she can't do something because of the color of her skin? Really?"

by IamMeWasTaken November 23, 2018

135👍 44👎

griefer bar problem

derived from Nazi Bar Problem, except not specifically bigotry.
A lack of moderation drives normal users away leaving a higher and higher concentration of griefers, flamers and trolls in online spaces such as video games and Discord.

I played League of Legends back in the day but the griefer bar problem really got to it

by IamMeWasTaken July 24, 2023