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diamond necklace

when a man shoots his load around a womans neck area (thus resembling a necklace), but it is done outside during the winter and it freezes on her neck.

It was freezing outside, but I had to get my dick sucked. I left her with a diamond necklace.

by Ibe July 21, 2005

102👍 58👎


Ibeliza is someone very Kind and the person you want in your life forever. When you look at her eyes you will lose your breath. Idelisa is beauty.

Ibeliza is so cute!

by Ibe November 22, 2021


Ibeliza is someone very Kind and the person you want in your life forever. When you look at her eyes you will lose your breath. Idelisa is beauty.

Ibeliza is so cute

by Ibe November 22, 2021