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white girl

an annoying, slightly slutty middle school girl who uses emojis, memes from 2013, and wears uggs and messy buns

White Girl: *dabs* just gotta go fix my lit messy bun, it got messed up while I gave that jock a blowjob *dabs*

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

31👍 12👎

Urban Name Trash

all of the stupid definitions you have to weed through on Urban Dictionary, always consist of some guy writing about a girl he'll never fuck.

Guy: oh geez there is so much Urban Name Trash!! What even are these names? Derissa? Aiyrion?? What the fuck???

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

2👍 1👎


a gross, big, tall, smelly redneck who tries to inch his way into your friend group by repeating jokes and phrases that he doesn't understand the context of.

Squatch: Boy do I love emo music and hating myself!!!
Edgy Teen: Shut up, you're a SQUATCH!!

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

3👍 2👎


A white boy who only plays xbox and denounces any other gaming company, only cares about the "graphx".

White Boy: Nintendo and Sony fucking suck, Xbox has such better graphics!!!
Me: oh my god that's not even true you stupid Xboxer! Have you seen the PS4??!!

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

The Emoji Movie

1. The biggest disgrace that has ever plagued the himan race

2. An obvious sign of the drastic decrease in intelligence in the human race and a strong reminder that the apocalypse is upon us.

White Girl: I'm going to see the emoji movie when it comes out!!
Me: *packing up end-of-the-world survival gear* oh sorry gotta run!!!!!!!!!

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

98👍 12👎


When someone is basically a mix between emo and a suicidal/ironic

memer. (not in a cringy way, however)

Edgy Teen: *draws picture of boat, shows it to friend, then says:* I'm a-BOAT to kill myself!
Edgy Friend: Oh my god that was so fucking edgy my dude.

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

4👍 9👎