Source Code


Suffix added to the end of almost every word. Used mostly by 40 year women talking to their children and/or dogs, or drunken college whores in a desperate attempt to sound more cute, less riddled with STDs and premature, substance induced age.

Ok, who wants napies?

Who's got tired little legsies?

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

boulevard of broken dreams

1.Green Day song

2.Place where all manners of subculture devotees put in the 'Location' entry on any site they may join.

3.New and exciting way of whining about how depressed you are.

1.I'm listening to Boulevard of broken dreams.

Location:Boulevard of broken dreams

3.Dude,I'm walking on the boulevard of broken dreams, man. Kristi had sex with that sailor guy again!

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

70πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Howling canadian wench.

I heard an Avril song on the radio and my ears started bleeding.

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

47πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž

grim up north

A phrase you should live by, if you reside in England.

'Jesus Christ, It's grim up north'

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

24πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Apparently if a boy wines and dines you in the hopes you might later drain his testicles (Let's face it, it's the only reason) it's romantic (He pays for everything and you get him off .Sounds like low level prostitution to me, but whatever) However, simply hanging out with a boy isn't. Just another example of how badly Hollywood has fucked us over.

He bought me 2 Bacardi Breezers and wore a condom. It was so romantic.

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

186πŸ‘ 288πŸ‘Ž


1.A place where dreams come to die.

2.A way of describing people from London who move into smaller towns.

3.Chav Capital of the world

2.Yeah, that London bitch thinks she's all good.

3.Jesus Christ, did you see all the chavs in London today? It was like a sea of gold sovereign jewellery and Lynx.

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005

59πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


Snarky blog which dissects fugly celebrity outfits. One of the best sites on the internet.

Did you see gofugyourself this morning? I love Mischa Barton but if she keeps dressing a grandma hooker I'm donating my O.C boxsets to Goodwill.

by Ihateyouallsomuch July 9, 2006

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž