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A Christian bible studying app for very christian people

Pope Francis: Hey James have you looked at Grindr?
James: Yes and I love looking at it.

by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple July 14, 2022

109👍 10👎

Xbox kid

An overly toxic young person who may engage in banging your mother.

Person:*kills Xbox kid 90 times in a row*
Xbox kid: haha ur bad i f*cked your mom

by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple October 15, 2021



cyan: red SUS
red: no u

*Cyan gets ejected*

by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple July 15, 2021


When a person forgets to put the extra p in rapping which adds a whole different meaning

Kid: omg drape the raper I love your song "my ass", I love you raping my ass

by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple November 10, 2021


The act of being an ignorant dumbass.

Scientist: *shows centuries of facts and research*
Antivax: go die

by Imtrappedinthismansbasementple September 15, 2021