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A dark and mysterious, yet honorable race of mythical, undead beings. Made famous by works such as Bram Stoker's Dracula, Kouta Hirano's Hellsing, Konami's Castlevania games, and regrettably, the Twilight series.

Vampires full characteristics are often disputed, but several facts remain consistent.

1. Vampires consume the blood, and in some cases the being's life energy, through blood vessels.

2. Vampires lose control of themselves as their thirst levels increase, so a starved vampire could potentially exhibit feral behavior in their blood-lust.

3. Vampires have an aversion to the garlic plant and religious symbols, especially a Crucifix, Holy Water, or Communion Wafers, as well as exhibit hypersensitivity to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

4. Vampires have super human abilities, to the point that some can travel vast distances in matter of seconds and can slick through concrete with their fingernails.

5. Vampires have the ability to change form. Various forms chosen include bat, rat, mist, and human-like.

6. Vampires exhibit control over living beings. Vampires have the ability to seduce humans, as well as master-servant relationship with other members of the animal kingdom, including wolves.

7. Vampires are shown to live by a code of sorts. For instance, a vampire is unable to enter a human domicile without permission from one of the inhabitants, but not necessarily the owner.

Person 1: *knocks on door*

Person 2: Hey pal! What brings you by on such a lovely Sunday night?

Person 1: I just was in the neighborhood and thought I should stop by.

Person 2: While you're here, would you like to stay for dinner?

Person 1: Sure that sounds delightful. Might I be allowed to enter?

Person 2: What are you, a vampire?

Person 1: So is that a yes, or...

Person 2: Spaghetti's on the table, but only if you come and join us for prayer first! :D

Person 1: On second thought, I just remembered I'm late for my dentist appointment...

by InspectorMoonlight November 12, 2015

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