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Nipple Finder

A Nipple Finder is someone who helps people find their nipples for them when they can't do it themselves.

"Man I had to hire a professional nipple finder to help me find my nipples for me, I had thought I lost them, turns out, they were on my chest!"

by IrreverentIzzy February 10, 2017

2👍 2👎


A name for someone whom is part human, fish, water filter, and noodle. Is usually a very attractive noodle, and is super fun to be around.

In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave to me one piece of advice that has stuck with me since then. "Always feed Brita plenty of water to filter the noodles with."

by IrreverentIzzy January 21, 2017

15👍 3👎


A godly potato man.

I worship Eli everyday for a good 14 hours of my day.

by IrreverentIzzy January 23, 2017

10👍 5👎