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Acronym for "What The Fuck, Urban Dictionary?" Describes the question many find themselves asking when they see a UD: Word Of The Day that is utterly humorless and boring, and you proceed to wonder why they rejected some of your best chuckle-inducing past submissions to the complete piece of shit you just wasted precious eye energy reading.

"Ohhh, look a new word of the day!"

Word: TRDMC - Tears Running Down My Cheek acronym. Used when something so funny is messaged to you, that you are in tears from laughing so hard.

"...WTFUD? How is that shit even funny? My definition I posted the other day would've been so much better."

by IsraelHands09 September 9, 2011

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Dairy Queen

Despite the good food, is the absolutely worst fucking place to work, in which the day you get canned (like I did) or quit, you'll be celebrating with tears of JOY.

WORD TO THE WISE, after making a blizzard, the collars get thrown in a dirty ass sink full of water that has nasty ass soggy candy pieces and melted ice-cream from previous collars. The very same collars that are used again a second later and contaminate the ice cream with shitty disgusting water.

Friend 1: "Yo, Jake! You know Bob got canned from Dairy Queen the other day?"

Friend 2: "No shizzle? Why?"

Friend 1: "Well, he told me his boss is a fat douche who didn't even like him from the start, so he found some lame excuse saying he doesn't feel Bob is committed to his job, just to give him the boot. Never seen Bob so happy in my life though."

Friend 2: "Daaaayaaamnnn that shit's nuts man."

Friend 1: "Word. I guess he was tired of cleaning shit off the toilet seats."

by IsraelHands09 November 30, 2010

91πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A division of Google, and nothing else but a bunch of thieves. They offer to advertise on your site, and give you a share of mulah, letting your money build up. Then at the apex of your financial glory, they disable your account and "refund your money to the affected advertisers." AKA, you get jewed. Typically, they send you an e-mail with a bullshit reason saying your account is generating a risk of invalid activity, which may "financially hurt" advertisers (as though it will even scratch their surfaces). Google even has the nerve to say "thank you for your patience and understanding". Users are typically offered appeal forms, however, at the risk of not getting reinstated (or reinstated, then cancelled again) it isn't usually worth it.

Some people who have been shut down by AdSense have lost upwards of $3,000. Don't believe me? Then Google NCC Archives 219 and see what these happy people had to say.

by IsraelHands09 December 1, 2011

63πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Candy Crush

A highly addictive strategy based iPhone/Android game that has claimed the lives of millions.

"Dude, have you ever played Candy Crush?"

"Played it??? Bro, that game killed my uncle!"

by IsraelHands09 August 12, 2013

66πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A noun that describes an individual who is a heavy internet user, usually to the point where they know every meme/viral video to date, whilst maintaining a constant lookout for new ones. An Internite's physical appearance is often (but not always) a Caucasian, pimple infested heavy-set male, whose aesthetic deficiencies severely outweigh his/her ability to communicate with the opposite sex. Internites are nocturnal creatures, often preferring colder, dark isolated environments. Since hygiene isn't a priority, these individuals are generally quite smelly. Due to their daily seclusion from life, they are also known to be very weird and quite socially awkward.

Ted is such an internite, all he does is go around saying annoying/overused memes, like 'cool story bro' and 'haha, I trolled you'. F*cking weirdo.

by IsraelHands09 July 26, 2011

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A branch of obnoxious drivers who pack their cars with ridiculously powerful subs, and blast shitty, overly synthesized, "thumpy" rap music to assert their dominance. In most cases, thumpers can also be referred to as rattlers, due to the intensely low frequency vibrating shaky or loose parts in the car's frame, emitting an even more annoying rattling sound.

Friend 1: "I didn't get any damn sleep. Fucking thumpers kept strolling by my house".

Friend 2: "Dude, I know! Just this morning, I was sitting at a red light, and my rear-viewies were shaking from a thumper two cars behind me!"

by IsraelHands09 October 6, 2011

38πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


The act in which one consumes food whilst taking a dump, often because the individual is in a hurry and does not have the time to do both one at a time. Not to be confused with excrete.

"Shit I don't have time to eat this and take a dump! I need to get to class and take that exam. Guess it's time to excreat."

Further examples: College Students...me.

by IsraelHands09 October 7, 2010

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž