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When some 1 has wronged you or made a mistake and you comment afterwards. In 1 context you are mocking them, in another you are just correcting them if they do not know what they have done.

Ebenezer: "Glenny drilla, y u walking into the wall like that?"

Glenroi: (No response, continues walking into wall)

Ebenezer: "Ur bad, silly guy, the ir sensors not working then?!?"

by Its_Just_MATT13 May 13, 2023

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A Drilla who is non man. Like a drilla, drillets get the title and the ending of their name, but unlike drillas having (trp) they have (trpt) for trappet and a drilla has to bestow the title upon them, it cannot be another drillet.

Matty Batty (trp): "ARTEM, your drillet title has been taken away from u as u have sinned against the Law of the Drillas"

ARTEM: "Great drilla, please forgive me of my sins and restore my title"

Matty Batty (trp): "NO"

by Its_Just_MATT13 May 15, 2023


What u say when you have wronged a fellow man or made a life mistake and have been caught in the act. This phrase can be used both sarcastically and not, this is determined by your tone of voice that u say it in.

Dalton: "u silly goose, u touched that 230 again"

Matty Batty: "my bad, my bad"

by Its_Just_MATT13 August 4, 2023


Pronounced as drill - i This is the plural of drillas. The highly respected men in a community. Like elders.

Matty Batty (trp) and Abraham (trp): "We going to endz to meet up wid the drilli"

JJ: "SNM ill come yh"

by Its_Just_MATT13 May 15, 2023

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The highest level of respected titles. This is what you are called if u are a respected and valued in the local community, the title has to be given to some1 by a man who has been a drilla for at least 6 months. At the end of a name u can put (trp) for trappy, this is just like (phd) for doctors.

Matty Batty: "I knight you, Drilla Abraham"

Drilla Abraham: "Thank you kind Drilla"

by Its_Just_MATT13 May 15, 2023

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Drillings are man who are not worthy enough to have the drilla title (trp). Drillings can be promoted to Drilla by another Drilla who has recognised an act of worthiness.

Ebenezer (trp): "look at all these drillings yh, silly guys"

Matty Batty (trp): "ofc ofc"

by Its_Just_MATT13 May 15, 2023


When someone uses an android only feature against u.

Bob: "you got androided, hahahaha"

by Its_Just_MATT13 December 29, 2022